
The Misdiagnosed and Overmedicated Children in Foster Care

Introduction There is an understanding among professionals working within the family policing system that most children entering foster care have experienced trauma either from their home environment, system involvement (including being removed from their home), or from an out-of-home placement … Read More

FROM CHILD WELFARE TO WELL-BEING: A Blueprint for CBOs and Government Agencies

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The US child welfare system incentivizes a reactionary rather than a proactive response, resulting in cases of child abuse and neglect that could have been avoided. Within the system, well-established business models and federal financial incentives are designed … Read More

Supporting Timely and Successful Reunifications

Safe and timely family reunification is the primary permanency option for most children and youth who have been removed from their parent’s care. All children belong with family, and family separation is a traumatic experience for both children and parents. … Read More

The Role of Parent Partner Programs in Supporting Prevention and Reunification

A brief from Casey Family Programs discusses the positive impacts of parent partner programs in child welfare, such as offering guidance and hope to parents navigating challenging circumstances. Focusing on reunification, these programs provide support by drawing on the firsthand experiences of … Read More

New Training on Adapting Family Finding and Engagement Practices for LGBTQ+ Youth

A new online training from the National SOGIE Center provides information on supporting young people who identify as LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, or other gender or sexual identity) during family finding and engagement processes. The free, 45-minute training provides information … Read More

How Child Welfare Agencies Can Support Reunification

The American Bar Association’s Center on Children and the Law hosted a webinar, “What Child Welfare Agencies Can Do to Support Reunification,” on resource and foster caregivers’ roles in the reunification process. The session focused on how child welfare agencies can facilitate … Read More

The Importance of Father Engagement in Family-Centered Reunification

In January 2024, the National Quality Improvement Center on Family-Centered Reunification (QIC-R) presented a webinar, “Building a Culture of Father Engagement to Enrich Family-Centered Reunification,” which focused on the importance of including fathers in the child welfare system. The webinar reviews the … Read More

Birth and Foster Parent Partnership: Directory of Strategies and Resources

The Birth and Foster Parent Partnership (BFPP) was formed in 2016 to support birth parents, foster families and kinship care providers in building connections and using their voices to transform systems, policies, and practices to improve permanency outcomes for children … Read More

Psychotropic Polypharmacy Trends Rise Among Child, Adolescent Medicaid Beneficiaries

The results of a study examining trends in psychotropic polypharmacy among youths enrolled in Medicaid indicated that there has been a rise in the concomitant use of multiple psychotropic medications in this patient population. According to the study’s investigators, psychotropic … Read More

Moving Beyond Legal Permanency

Child welfare professionals have traditionally focused on identifying and establishing legal permanency on federally established timelines for young people determined to be unable to return to the care of their parents. However, focusing mostly on legal permanency may result in … Read More